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This is the colour version of the postcard, here you can see better the movement lines, the street lamps and the shape of the building along with some colours. The lines are a different colour from the glass which makes them stand out more and works to the pictures advantage. The base area is lit up so that it looks very active as in a lot of business or activities happen in that building and it is important. It is drawn at night so that the lights could be on and the full colour of the building could stand out even though its dark because of its wonderful colour. The glass is also a bit blue to match with the glass on the higher regions of the building.

This is a idea of what some kind of display could be like in the windows of this building. This set up means it can be changed regularly without a whole heap of effort and it can have a 3d look to it as the space can be used however you like. I think this would be a good idea to advertise in the window space at the lower region of the building.
Cut shapes of glass could also be used instead, this is the same way that the top pieces of glass have been coloured with, it is a very difficult style and takes a lot of precision and accuracy, time and patience. I think if this was done it would hold a longer lasting image on the building which could be good or bad depending on what the picture on the front of the building contained.

Last but not least, images could be painted onto the glass to say what was going on in the building, possibly hold a menu if it was turning into a resturant or anything, this would need to be changed at regular intervals as the paint will possibly crack or slide and another reason it could change is there is a different even on etc...

I have not tried to change the look of the 'original building' meaning the bits of the building that have not been previously changed recently and I have not advertised or put anything on the plaque or on the inside of the glass because it is open to interpretation and this is just an idea of a future advancement. If my picture came to life I believe it would be a popular building and this design would last for ages.

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