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Idea#2 - traffic light

My idea is using a traffic light in a pedestrian walking zone like a alley. A movement sensor will beplaced so that if anybody walks past the sensor a signal is sent to the traffic light and turns it from green (its original state) to being red. The idea of this is to watch how people behave to the traffic light as they are not in a automobile but walking therefore, why should they stop?

This idea came from a interesting thing that happend on the royal parade, plymouth as a couple stopped at the traffic lights (walking UP the road not across) and began talking and checking inside there bag, from my point of view it looked as though they was waiting for the traffic lights to change so that they could walk, but the funniest part was that when they changed they began to walk again. Maybe they had no idea of the colour of the lights or maybe subconciously they did. This is the background behind my idea.

To do this I would obviously need a motion sensor and a traffic light, the arduino sensor mentioned before can create this procedure and has been made before however, not using a traffic light but another type of light emitting diode.

The sensor above is a small version of the traffic light, as something moves over the top of the sensor the light activates and will begin to glow, what I need to do is give the light a procedure (red, amber, green) and activate it when something moves over the sensor, however, one procedure can only run at one time so therefore I need to give it a state of either on, or off, I could use a boolean for this.

When somebody passes the sensor (which will be a few metres in front of the traffic light) the sensor activates the sequence from green to red:

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